Colorectal cancer and liver metastasis, REVISTA FARMACIA

Abstract Aim: Malignant tumors localized in the digestive tract have a tendency to local growth and invasion with lymph node metastasis.

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Distant metastases through blood with prevalent liver location are detected late in disease progression, in anthelmintic meaning advanced stage, when therapeutic possibilities are often limited to palliative therapy.

Material and methods: The study included a series of patients with liver metastases admitted to the Center of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Iasi between January 1 and October 10, for the identification of primitive tumor.

The patients were investigated by endoscopy, imaging, laboratory colorectal cancer and liver metastasis including tumor markers. Males were most affected, regardless of primitive tumor.

Повернувшись к терминалу Хейла, Сьюзан вдруг уловила странный мускусный запах - очень необычный для Третьего узла. Она подумала, что дело, быть может, в неисправном ионизаторе воздуха.

Запах показался ей смутно знакомым, и эта мысль пронзила ее холодом. Сьюзан представила себе Хейла в западне, в окутанной паром ловушке. Может быть, он что-нибудь поджег.

Conclusions: Although diagnostic and therapeutic methods have made remarkable progress in recent years, these tumors, by their frequency and advanced stage at diagnosis, remain both an oncologic and public health problem mainly due to the limitations of curative treatment. Gastroenterology ; Cancer Base No.

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Version 2. Radiology ; 3 : American Cancer Society.

Cancerul colorectal în sarcină

Trends in oesophageal cancer incidence and mortality in Europe. Int J Cancer. Diagnosticul şi tratamentul tumorilor maligne. Progrese şi perspective.

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Recent trends of cancer in Europe: a combined colorectal cancer and liver metastasis of incidence, survival and mortality for 17 cancer sites since the s. Eur J Cancer. Alberts S.

Казалось, все происходящее было от нее безумно. Джабба вздохнул и снова вытер пот со лба.

R, Cervantes A. H, Gastric cancer: epidemiology, pathology and treatment, Ann Oncol ; 14 Suppl 2 : ii31—ii Are differences in stage at presentation a credible explanation for reported differences in the survival of patients with colorectal can-cer in Europe?

Anca Zgură, Laurenţia Galeş, Prof.

Br J Cancer. Resection and local therapy for liver metastases.

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Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. Detection of focal hepatic lesions with spiral CT: comparison of 4- and 8-mm interscan spacing. AJR ;
