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ADENOSIS - Definiția și sinonimele adenosis în dicționarul Engleză

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Now in its Fourth Edition, this classic text continues its legacy of being the leading reference work on the pathology of the breast. Precise pathological diagnosis of breast disease is the most critical factor in determining treatment and establishing prognosis. Intended primarily for pathologists, the book will be an indispensible reference for all surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, as well as other physicians and medical personnel who require a thorough knowledge of breast pathology to provide optimal care for their patients.

Discussions of most disease entities include clinical and radiological presentation, epidemiology, gross pathology, microscopic pathology, treatment, and prognosis.

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Surgical and oncological aspects of the various diseases are addressed wherever appropriate. Numerous images, a large proportion intraductal papilloma apocrine metaplasia which are new, complement the encyclopedic descriptions of the surgical pathology and cytology of diseases of the breast. Key Features -More than 1, full color images highlight key diagnostic features, including hundreds of new illustrations.

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Paul P.
